What is your In Game Name: Rico_Nieto
How old are you: 14
how many hour you have in game?: more than 24 Hours.
Where are you from(country): Philippines
How long have you been playing RP: 1 month
How long have you been Roleplaying on RP: 1 month
Why would you like to become administrate in RP: To help and serve people.
How long have you been with RP: 1 month
What is Your Time Zone: GMT +8:00
Gender: Male
Pic of Stats
What is your level : 11
How long have you been playing here in RP : more than 24 hours.
Are you in a family / faction : [YES/NO] (If yes , what is it?) : Nope.
If you saw Someone Meta gaming & nbsp ; I will warn him, if he keeps doing it ill kick or ban.
If you saw Someone deathmatching someone what will you do to him?: I will DM warn him, if he keeps doing it ill jail or kick him.
If you saw Someone Ramming A player what will you do?: I will warn him, if he keeps doing it, ill jail or kick him.
If you saw someone running with his car in a non-rp way what will you do?: Warn him and say that he's playing in an RP server and should cooperate.
If you saw a car parked in a wrong way or a not parking place , what will you do?: Warn him and say that he's playing in an RP server and should cooperate.